The Delachaux Group is very pleased and proud to publish its annual report on sustainable development (DPEF 2020). For 3 years now, the group has been communicating on the progress of its CSR-our Worldwide Engagement program, which has 5 axes: Safety, Ethics, Environment, Management Practices and Community.
Between 2018 and 2020:
-the Group has reduced its CO2 emissions by 40 % thanks to the actions of the Foundry Intercast & Forge on its consumption as well as a responsible supply of renewable electricity (This action has been recognized by the Australian authorities).
-the Group has divided by 2 the lost-time accident frequency rate by encouraging the autonomy and reactivity of all employees at all levels.
-Nearly 40 % of employees have received face to face or digital anti-corruption training as part of the Ethics process.
Signatory of Global Compact since 2017, the Group is committed to contributing to the sustainable development goals of United Nations by fully integrating them into the strategic plans of the companies of the Group Pandrol, Conductix-Wampfler, DCX Chrome, Raoul Lenoir and KLK.
Find the full report by clicking this link.