“The DELACHAUX family, the Chairman of the board, and all the directors of the board...
We are thrilled to announce the release of our newest Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report,...
On October 19th, 2023, Delachaux Group has successfully extended by 3 years the maturity of...
Here are some examples of our progress on the 5 pillars of our Worldwide Engagement...
Mr. Nicolas Groult has been appointed CEO of Pandrol and a member of the Executive...
Groupe Delachaux, founded by Clarence Delachaux in 1902 has just celebrated its 120th anniversary. Such...
Pandrol, a company of Groupe Delachaux and the global leader in solutions for rail infrastructure,...
Download Groupe Delachaux is very happy and proud to share its annual report on sustainable development...
The Delachaux Group is very pleased and proud to publish its annual report on sustainable...
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